McClain Consulting Services, Inc. is a professional services consulting firm that provides customized facility assessments throughout the country for commercial property owners, investors, and managers.
Our team consists of over 100 professionals situated strategically around the United States, representing various property assessment specialties.
Specialists throughout the Country
We Listen
We listen intently and actively to our clients, customize a scope of work, and assemble a specific team of experts to ensure that each client gets exactly what they need on every project.
We Work
We work with a growing list of clients that we admire and consider to be friends. Our clients range from small cities to large national corporations, but they all care about integrity, experience, precision, and quality.
We Deliver
Featured Project
We were asked by a client to prepare a very thorough set of due diligence engineering assessments for a historic building in downtown Houston, Texas. This project proved interesting and unique not only because of the building’s historical status but also because we had the opportunity to incorporate several specialized evaluations within our overall facility assessment.
The 35-story office building encompassed three towers that were originally constructed at various times between 1929 and 1950. The total rentable floor area of the building was approximately 800,000 square feet with roughly 65 tenant spaces.
In addition to our typical architectural condition assessment, our team of specialists provided a Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) evaluation, a comprehensive Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance survey, a Fire and Life Safety (FLS) assessment, and a Vertical Transportation Assessment.
We also had the pleasure of once again teaming up with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH), a premier engineering firm specializing in structures and building enclosures. SGH provided the structural and building envelope assessments for our evaluation team.
With an expedited two-week due diligence process, we were able to issue the reports ahead of schedule. By compiling an expert team of specialists, managing the process efficiently, and by understanding the possible pitfalls of a rush project of this magnitude, we were able to meet our client’s needs and provide a comprehensive set of reports that enabled them to understand the buildings’ condition so that they could make an informed investment decision.